Monday, January 5, 2015

What should you expect from Apple in 2015?

Apple might have a lower market share than Android, but they are still more valuable for all their channel partners. The entire Apple ecosystem compliments each other and it is always exciting to know what they are up with.

Last year we saw the gorgeous iPhone 6 rolling powered by iOS8 which is more user friendly and cool than its previous iterations. The long anticipated Apple watch also rolled that gathered some rave reviews.

So after having almost a rocking year, what should we expect from Apple in 2015? Well, lets glance through a few possibilities.

Building on Apple Watch

It will be interesting to see what developers make for the Apple watch. There are a lot of possibilities like advanced apps on temperature or medical apps. As the watch stays on your body all the time, the possibilities are limitless and a level above a smartphone.

Retina goes mainstream

Retina display might move into the smaller macs with the advent of a new processor from Intel. Display is one department where Apple will definitely shift the focus on its mac computers now.

Mac Pro 2

Macpro has been denied the Retina till date, but this year it might see a breakthrough with 5K Macpro computers. Mac pro happens to be the workhorse for Apple and a great display will leverage its magnetism with the second version.

Keep leading in Enterprise

Apple is already leading the enterprise mobility world after iOS7 and this year they are going to solidify the roots further. The bigger screens will surely make users to stick to iPhones instead of a buying a galaxy note. This can be leveraged to get an edge in the enterprise market.

Reinvent the plastic again with iPhone 6C

Apple might bring in a cheaper version of its iPhone 6 this year. Earlier, Apple has already sold a heap of these aesthetically pleasing plastic phones and 6C might go a step further.

Get more Social

Apple is not active on social networks. You won’t really find pages or verified social accounts from Apple on Social sites. Well, we believe that is going to change this year. Apple has also changed the way they used to treat a lot of markets in the developing nation. Hopefully, they will come out with brilliant digital content for user engagement on social sites.

A lot of things are being expected from Apple in 2015. While the previous year has been quite successful for the company it will be interesting to see if they can keep the momentum going for this year too.

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