Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kwikset Kevo: Using your iPhone to lock and unlock doors

Life just got a little easier for iPhone owners. Imagine that you're trying to get into your house while carrying a few bags of groceries. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to simply tap the deadbolt lock with a finger to get it to unlock instead of...

I would absolutely devour this Mac mini

A delicious Apple pie made to look like a Mac mini is a culinary geek's dream come true. Add to that the fact that the lattice work on the Apple logo was done with a laser cutter, and it's something beyond fantastic. [Photo credit: Lenore Edman]...

TUAW TV Live: MacBook Air speed bumps and more

No big news to talk about this week, but at least Apple saw fit to introduce new MacBook Air models with slightly faster CPUs and better battery life. So until we have our Apple-branded Mr. Fusion-powered flying cars, iWatches, or 3D holographic...

Facebook announces anonymous app login at F8 conference

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is known for having dubious ideas about privacy. The billionaire founder is famously quoted in David Kirkpatrick's book The Facebook Effect as saying, "having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of...

Hulu announces free TV episodes coming to mobile devices this summer

There's good news afoot for TV lovers. Hulu announced today that its content will be available for free on mobile devices beginning this summer. As one might expect, the service will be ad-supported, but should nonetheless be a source of excitement...

Reddit is looking for someone to build their iOS app

It isn't hyperbole to say that reddit has had a dramatic impact on the Internet since its birth in 2005. From political discussion to comedy to providing an occasionally creepy home for the net's dark side, reddit's reach includes almost every...

Geek Trivia: The Kindle’s Codename Was Drawn From What Work Of Fiction?

The Kindle’s Codename Was Drawn From What Work Of Fiction?

  1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

  2. Fahrenheit 451

  3. The Diamond Age

  4. Neuromancer

Think you know the answer?

Where Did the Moon Come From?

While it may not seem like there is much left to debate, there is still a good bit of controversy about the origin of our Moon. YouTube channel SciShow Space looks at the major competing theories about our Moon’s formation in today’ video.

Where Did the Moon Come From? [YouTube]

Don't be afraid of The Holy Hand Grenade

Bring forth the Book of Armaments, it's time to learn how this works. The Holy Hand Grenade isn't so much a game as it is a test of your reflexes. At the start, you can only play it once, and that play session lasts about three seconds (no more, no...

As trial concludes, Samsung states: "We don't think we owe Apple a nickel"

With Apple and Samsung's second California trial coming to an end, both sides this week presented their closing arguments to the jury. Whereas the first trial between the two tech giants was rife with behind the scenes info detailing the origins of...

This "smart case" is powered by your iPhone's own electromagnetic radiation

The radiation put off by mobile phones has long been a topic of discussion -- and that discussion is usually focused on whether or not it is somehow harmful to users. Lunecase is changing the discussion to one of functionality by creating an iPhone...

How to Access Folders on Your Host Machine from an Ubuntu Virtual Machine in VirtualBox


VirtualBox is a program that allows you to run multiple operating systems (guests) on one computer (the host computer). You may need to transfer files between the host and the guest. It’s easy to set up in Windows guests, but tricky in Ubuntu guests.

We’ll show you how to set up an Ubuntu guest machine so you can access folders on the host machine from within the guest machine. You must enable shared folders to do this, which are available by installing VirtualBox guest additions software (see our article for instructions on how to do this).

Once you’ve installed the guest additions, enable shared folders by adding a folder from your host machine in the settings for the guest machine. To do this, first make sure the guest machine is powered off. Then, select the guest machine in the list on the left of the VirtualBox Manager and click Settings on the toolbar.


On the Settings dialog box, click Shared Folders in the list of options on the left. On the Shared Folders screen, click the folder button with the plus sign to add a folder.


On the Add Share dialog box, select Other from the Folder Path drop-down list.


The Browse For Folder dialog box displays. Navigate to the folder you want to share between the host and the guest, select it, and click OK.


The path to the selected folder is inserted in the Folder Path edit box. The name of the folder automatically becomes the Folder Name, but you can change this name if you want. If you don’t want to be able to change items in this folder in the guest machine, select the Read-only check box. To have the selected folder automatically mounted in the guest machine when you boot it, select the Auto-mount check box. Click OK once you’ve finished choosing your settings for the shared folder.


The selected folder displays in the Folders List. Click OK to close the dialog box.


Now, make sure the guest machine is still selected in the VirtualBox Manager and click Start to boot it.


Once the guest machine is booted, open Nautilus (File Manager) by clicking the file cabinet on the Unity bar on the left side of the desktop.


In the Devices list on the left, click Computer and then double-click the Media folder on the right. You’ll see a folder named similarly to the folder you selected to share on your host machine with “sf_” added to the beginning of the name.


If you double-click on that folder, the following dialog box displays. This is because there is one more task to perform before you can access the shared folder.


In addition to users in Ubuntu, there are also groups. When VirtualBox installed the Ubuntu operating system, it added a group called “vboxsf”. Before you can access any shared folders, you must add yourself to the vboxsf group. To do this, press Ctrl + Alt + T to open a Terminal window. Type the following at the prompt, replacing “[username]” with your username, and press Enter.

sudo adduser [username] vboxsf

Type your password when prompted and press Enter again. Messages display as you are being added to the group and “Done.” displays when the process has been successfully completed.

To close the Terminal window, type “exit” (without the quotes) at the prompt and press Enter.


To verify you are in the vboxsf group, you can type “id [username]” (without the quotes, and replacing “[username]” with your username) at the prompt and press Enter. All the groups of which the specified user is a member display.


Now, when you access the shared folder in the Media folder as described above, you should see any files in that exist in that folder on the host machine.


You can edit these files directly in this folder if you DID NOT select the “Read-only” option when selecting the folder in the Settings. You can also copy files into and out of this folder. If the folder was set to “Read-only”, you can only copy files from this folder and cannot copy files into it.