Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Project Management fads every organization should eliminate in 2015

What project management methodology does your organization use? In my opinion, I’m sure many of the commonly used methodologies are fads, but still followed in most of the organizations.

You’ll find many methodologies out there – some may prove to be successful, but always remember no same method will work for everyone in every situation. Therefore, blindly implementing a management practice just because it has worked for other organization will result to complications and you’ll end up working long hours driving you crazy or your organization out of business.

This article will highlight those unnecessary project management fads that every organization should eliminate in 2015

Management by wandering around (MBWA)

A popular management practice at the company Hewlett- Packard back in 70’s, management by wandering around makes it a point to check with employees about the status of ongoing work. It was a practice designed to encourage organizational heads to get out of their personal cabins, but in most cases it resulted to be lot more like:

Project Manager Mistakes

If you are an organization following this project management practice till date, you surely need to exclude it from your project management practices. Today, with the advent of cloud-based project management app, communication is lot more easy. It allows an organization to collaborate and get an access to employees from anywhere, anytime.

Management by objectives

Another project management fad, this practice defines long-term objective within organization. And, as and when time passes and the project is about to meet its deadline – it ends up looking not the way it was decided. This results to working extra hours in the end days, in order to make it look that the project was implemented as per the plan. Creating objectives is a must, but designing long-term objectives is a fad that you need to exchange with small-term objectives which are easy to measure and fulfil deadlines in time.

Matrix management

This is a type of an organizational practice in which employee with similar skills are assigned multiple projects working for different managers. This results to cold wars amongst managers, and every manager finds an extra hoop to jump, in order to prove themselves as the top management figures. This creates a chaos within the organization, resulting to delay in project completion. The more managers your organization has, the more chances of them ending in fights. Hence, this is another project management fad that you need to get rid of in 2015.

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