Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Order fulfilment strategies to ensure speedy delivery

Most of the eCommerce companies start small, and order fulfillment process becomes easy to manually manage by recruiting staff and adopting a small storage space.

However, with increased growth comes more order volume and the complexity to manage those orders and ensure in-time delivery.

If you are one of them who is still finding it difficult to make ends meet, below are few order fulfillment strategies that will help you ensure a smooth and speedy delivery.

Strategies that you should adopt for speedy delivery

Have a system to store order data

Analyzing previous customer’s order histories will give you clear insights about customer’s preference, product flow i.e. you can identify the most selling ones to ensure they are available to fulfill as soon as the order is placed.

Train your staff

It becomes vital to train your staff with the latest technologies that you use for tracking, picking and packing of products in the warehouse. Due to lack of knowledge, you’ll end up spending more time in getting the products out of the warehouse. Ensure they can easily access the best selling products and process them quickly to free resources for afternoon or evening picking and packing.

Having a flexible carrier in place

Adopting mix carriers can offer flexibility, but at the same time can prove to be expensive, specially if you are start-up. The best way is to use a delivery service provider that can accommodate products of variable sizes as well as ensure a quick delivery.

FedEx and UPS are considered to offer quick delivery time which becomes very critical for customers who want a next-day or quick delivery. Also, you get an added advantage to create a good impression in the customers mind.

Invest in an order management solution

Looking for an easy-to-use order management solution that can help you track inventory in real-time, automate labeling, integrate with leading carriers as well as store order histories, will act as a real time-saver and ensure 100% order fulfillment accuracy.

Following the above four tips, you can ensure your order fulfillment process is efficient, accurate and quick. This will be delightful to both, your customers and you.


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